Decision - making process
Your details will come to us via an online application submitted through GOV.UK. We will then decide about whether you are eligible for a badge or not.
We aim to process applications as quickly as possible, but please allow up to six weeks for processing. This includes re-applications. You can speed this process up by ensuring you supply all the correct documentation with your initial application. Please ensure your documents are in date and legible.
It may be necessary for one of our Expert Assessors to talk with you regarding your disability and eligibility for a Blue Badge, you will be notified if this is necessary. The time scales for this process will vary but can take up to 6 weeks and the outcome may or may not result in a Blue Badge.
If you are eligible, the badge will be sent to you by second class post once we have received all the correct documents, photograph and payment of £10 from you.
If you are not eligible
If you are not eligible for a badge, we will write to you explaining this. If you think the decision is wrong, you can contact us to ask us to review it.
Unless you can provide additional medical evidence in relation to your conditions and how they impact you (information that you have not previously provided), or your condition has significantly deteriorated since you applied for the Blue Badge, then your request to change the decision is unlikely to be successful.