What is a JRSO?
A JRSO is a Year 5 or 6 pupil who is chosen by their school to promote road safety awareness in their school to all pupils, parents and staff.
They will work with the support of a school staff helper and a member of Via East Midland's Road Safety Team. Via East Midlands, now deliver road safety education services on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council.
What does a JRSO do?
- displays road safety messages on their road safety notice board
- runs road safety competitions among pupils in their school
- takes part in assemblies using their chosen road safety themes
- organises road safety activities that help to get their messages across
- plans road safety activities that reinforce road safety messages appropriate for the time of year eg
- dark nights - be safe be seen
- lighter evenings - playing out safely.
How does a school take part in the JRSO scheme?
Head teachers or teachers can register their school’s interest and get more information by contacting Via East Midland's road safety team at:
- email: roadsafety@nottscc.gov.uk
- telephone: 0115 9774373.