Electric vehicle (EV) charging in and around Nottinghamshire

Mapped public EV charge points across the UK

ZapMap displays a map with the locations and providers of the charge points, the type of charger, its availability and utilisation charges (if applicable) across the UK.

On-street EV charging infrastructure

EV charging cables trailing across the public highway

The County Council does not permit any cable to be placed across the public highway; as it represents a health and safety hazard, and an impediment to the safe use of the highway by the visually and/or mobility impaired, or other affected user groups.

Under the Highways Act 1980 action may be taken to remove cables that are deemed unsuitable or unsafe. This method of on-street EV charging is therefore not considered a suitable approach for residents without off-street parking provision to charge their EV on-street.

On-street EV charging pilot schemes

On-street EV Cable Channels (EVCC) pilot scheme

The report relating to on-street EV charging infrastructure was approved at February 2022 Transport and Environment Committee. Paragraphs 9-15 in the report details the EVCC pilot scheme that is going to be undertaken in the county.

Find out about the county council's pilot scheme for residents without off-street parking who want to charge their EVs at home.

Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Project

In February 2022, a report outlining how the county council will investigate on-street EV infrastructure pilots was approved at Transport and Environment Committee.

As a result, the county council submitted an expression of interest bid for the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) project, which was approved in September 2023. After further approvals in October 2023, the county council received 90% of its £5,522,000 capital funding allocation and following a Transport and Environment Cabinet meeting in November 2024 have been given approval to award the projects contracts.

This project aims to install public on-street EV chargepoints across Nottinghamshire near homes that do not have access to garages, driveways or any other off-street parking.

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