Metal FAQs
Can all metal tins and cans be placed in my recycling bin?
Steel and aluminium drinks cans and food tins can be recycled in your kerbside bin including pet food tins as long as they are clean and dry.
Aerosol cans such as deodorant and room spray can also be recycled but make sure they are completely empty before recycling and do not try to pierce, crush or flatten them. Please take off the plastic aerosol can top and put it into your general waste bin.
Unfortunately large biscuit, sweet tins or empty paint tins cannot be recycled in the kerbside bins in Nottinghamshire as these will not fit through the sorting machinery at the Materials Recovery Facility. If they cannot be reused (e.g. to store buttons, screws or a sewing kit) they can be taken to your local Recycling Centre.
Can aluminium food trays and foil be recycled in Nottinghamshire?
Unfortunately these cannot currently be recycled in Nottinghamshire through our Materials Recovery Facility. Foil is often heavily contaminated with food waste which causes problems at the Materials Recovery Facility where the recyclables are sorted.
Can foil drinks or pet food pouches be recycled in Nottinghamshire?
No, these cannot currently be recycled in Nottinghamshire through our Materials Recovery Facility. Foil drinks and pet food pouches are often made of two or more different materials and therefore would be difficult to sort. They are also often heavily contaminated with food and drink residue. They should be placed in your general waste bin.
Can I put metal jam jar / wine bottle / beer bottle lids in the recycling bin?
No. These are often made of a variety of different materials and should be placed in your general waste bin. Bottle tops cause problems during sorting at the Materials Recovery Facility as they are too small for the process to sort them and will be treated as general waste.
Can I recycle food tin lids?
Yes. Lids can be recycled along with the tin itself. As they can be sharp it’s a good idea to place the lid inside the tin.