COVID-19: Pupils travelling on dedicated mainstream school transport


Advice to parents and students

  • Parents/carers should establish a routine of hand washing and hand sanitising in the morning, before boarding a vehicle, and again when they return home in the afternoon. Where possible carry a small hand sanitiser with you so you can clean your hands before and after your journey.
  • Children should be encouraged to carry tissues on home to school transport. These will need to be disposed of in a covered bin. Where it is not possible to have a bin on board, schools should have a suitable disposal process on arrival, in line with their process for disposing of face coverings.
  • If you touch door handles, seatbelts, railings or any other part of the vehicle, do not touch your face until you have washed your hands or used hand sanitiser.
  • Wearing a face covering is highly recommended. This reduces the risk for everyone.
  • Students should sit with others from their year group or bubble if possible.
  • Children or young people must not board home to school transport or public transport if they or a member of their household has symptoms of coronavirus.
  • If the driver believes the young person to be ill, they will not be permitted to use the transport.
  • If a child or young person develops symptoms while at school or their educational institution, they will be sent home. They must not travel on home to school transport or public transport. The school or educational institution should contact the parent who should make arrangements for the child or young person’s journey home.