Covid-19 winter grant scheme: information for providers

On 8 November 2020, the government announced a package of extra targeted financial support for those in need over the winter period. The £170 million Covid-19 Winter Grant Scheme, available from December 2020, will see new funding issued to county councils and unitary authorities to support those most in need across England with the cost of food, energy and water bills and other associated costs. Nottinghamshire County Council’s allocation is £2,316,000.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has provided funding to county councils and unitary authorities, under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003, who will administer the scheme and provide assistance to vulnerable families with children and other vulnerable households, particularly affected by the pandemic.

Aim of the grant scheme

The aim is to give vulnerable households peace of mind in the run up to Christmas and over the winter months during the pandemic, by helping those who need it to have food on the table and other essentials, so every child will be warm and well-fed this winter. Targeting this money effectively will ease the burden faced by a wide range of vulnerable households across the country worrying about paying the next utility bill or the next food shop due to the pandemic.

The objective of the Covid-19 Winter Grant Scheme is to provide support to vulnerable households and families with children particularly affected by the pandemic throughout the winter period where alternative sources of assistance may be unavailable.

Funding allocation

At least 80% of the total funding will be ring-fenced to support households with children, with up to 20% of the total funding to other households experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, poverty during the pandemic. This may include households not currently in receipt of DWP welfare benefits but can also include those not claiming benefits but are struggling financially because of Covid-19.

The local authority can determine eligibility in their area and target their support within the scope of the conditions set out below:

  • at least 80% of the total funding will be ring-fenced to support families with children, with up to 20% of the total funding to other types of households, including individuals.
  • at least 80% of the total funding will be ring-fenced to provide support with food, energy and water bills (including sewerage), with up to 20% on other items.

Nottinghamshire County Council has worked with key partners on the Local Resilience Forum and will be progressing the following work:

Children and Families

At least 80% of the grant will be allocated to households with children.

Approximately £1.2m would be spent on the provision of food to those families where children are in receipt of free school meals due to the low income of the household across the Christmas and February half-term breaks. This includes school aged pupils and those in 6th forms and Further Education (FE) colleges. Vouchers will be distributed by schools and FE colleges.

Households with 2 year olds from low income households and 3 and 4 year olds eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium will receive supermarket vouchers or food parcels through their early years setting.

Households with children who need assistance with an allocated lead professional such as a Social Worker, Family Service or Children’s Centre Service key worker will receive a supermarket voucher and can access the Nottingham Energy Partnership to assist with fuel and water bills. This will target households struggling with the provision of food, paying winter energy costs and water bills during the period up until March and based on an assessment of need by the relevant professional. Their priority will be focused in the main on children not eligible for Free School Meals but whose household is struggling financially because of Covid-19.

If you are working with a household with children who need support, please:

Refer them to the Covid-19 Community Support Hub (0300 500 8080)

Or contact the Family Service or Children's Centre Service team

Households with no children and vulnerable individuals

£0.45m (20% of the grant) will be focused on households with no children and vulnerable individuals who have been identified by professionals as being in urgent need. This will include care leavers, those at risk of homelessness, those at risk from domestic violence but without children and those with no recourse to public funds.

Care Leavers aged 19-24 and young people with an Education Healthcare Plan aged 19-24 who are eligible for Free School Meals will receive supermarket vouchers through Children’s Social Care or their FE College.

Each District and Borough Council will be funded to provide supermarket vouchers to adults and households with no children who are struggling financially because of Covid-19. They will also use funds to support local food banks who are able to assist with food and other essentials.

When you contact the Covid Community Support Hub, they submit a support request to the relevant District Council.

Support with Fuel payments and other utilities

Nottinghamshire County Council is working with the Nottingham Energy Partnership (NEP) who will provide fuel vouchers and support for households who require assistance to pay for their utility bills – namely energy/fuel vouchers and water bills (but not rent or other housing costs). Workers can refer people to the service to access this support.

  • To refer to this service please contact the NEP directly on 0115 985 3000
  • Or contact the Covid Community Support Hub on 0300 500 8080

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