Local Communities Fund: Revenue

Applications for Revenue funding are invited from VCS organisations that have developed effective activities in response to a local need / gap analysis, in particular activities that:

  • Contribute to a prosperous and growing economy
  • Deliver School Holiday Play Schemes
  • Enable Nottinghamshire residents to contribute to social and cultural opportunities
  • Encourage innovation to strengthen communities and support vulnerable residents
  • Encourage local networks where people help themselves and each other to be resilient, neighbourly and safe
  • Increase volunteering opportunities that enable more vulnerable residents to be supported
  • Help to address climate and environmental change
  • Help to improve mental health
  • Help to improve physical health
  • Help to reduce loneliness
  • Improve access to existing community-based services (e.g. advice and signposting), for the most vulnerable residents
  • Offer early help and prevention to those who most need it
  • Provide support to communities of interest, for example rural communities.

Revenue funding can help towards the running costs (‘core costs’ or ‘overheads’) that are essential to delivering the project / service as described in the application for funding, such as:

  • Utilities (e.g. gas, electricity and water bills)
  • Communications (e.g. internet, landline and telephone)
  • Rent
  • Insurance and professional fees
  • Relevant staff salaries and staff training
  • Volunteer training and volunteer expenses.

Revenue grants

The October 2024 launch of the LCF Revenue Programme consists of a Revenue Small Grants scheme. Please note that:

  • The opening date for the autumn application is Monday 7 October 2024.
  • The closing date for the autumn application window is Friday 8 November 2024.
  • The maximum award will be £5,000 per project in any financial year.
  • Successful organisations will be offered a 12-month funding agreement.

We have introduced a new eligibility check you will need to complete before accessing the application form.  We are keen to talk to prospective applicants, so if you have any questions please email LCF@nottscc.gov.uk and a member of the team will contact you.

To improve our grant process, we have introduced a new online system. This new system brings lots of benefits for applicants, such as saving applications part-way through, downloading applications and uploading supporting information.

Check your eligibility and apply.

You only need to register once, even if you apply for multiple projects across more than one fund.

In line with the principle of involving County Councillors (Elected Members) in their communities, all applications for revenue funding must provide a supporting statement from an elected Nottinghamshire County Councillor for the District in which the proposed project will be delivered. Further information is provided in the Guidance for Applicants.

Terms and Conditions

If your application is successful, the organisation must be willing and able to comply with the Revenue Fund's terms and conditions which include:

  • publicising the project in line with the County Council's acknowledging funding and publicity guidelines
  • providing monitoring information as requested (see below for examples)
  • repaying to the County Council any grant money not spent and/or where the organisation / project does not comply with the terms and conditions of the funding.

Monitoring of Projects

Monitoring helps to demonstrate that the grant has been spent as agreed by Elected Members.

Organisations in receipt of Revenue funding will be asked to complete an annual monitoring report. The questions asked will vary depending on what type of project the Organisation provides. Examples of monitoring questions are:

Organisations in receipt of funding may be asked to provide additional information, e.g. updates on how the project is progressing, or to assist with reporting, audit or other requirements.

The County Council may also arrange to visit the funded project where appropriate and if it is permitted and safe to do so.

Nottinghamshire County Council must be acknowledged as a funder as part of all publicity about the funded project, including any written or spoken public presentations.

Organisations may use the logos below to help promote the financial support of NCC:

Please follow the brand guidelines outlined in the acknowledging funding and publicity guidelines.

If you require larger or higher quality files, please contact our Communications Team at marketing.team@nottscc.gov.uk

Privacy Statement

All applicants need to confirm that they have read and agree with the Council's Privacy Statement.


All applications will be reviewed by the County Council against the funding criteria. The County Council will carry out relevant checks on the information provided as appropriate.

Elected Members make the decisions regarding funding awards. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application as soon as possible after completion of the decision-making process. This could be approximately 12 weeks after the closing date.

Fraud Response

The Council takes a zero tolerance stance towards fraud and corruption and will investigate and take the necessary action in cases of suspected fraud in line with the Council's Fraud Response Plan.

Revenue Large Grants

The Revenue Large Grants scheme (i.e. funding requests for over £5,000), is no longer open for applications.

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