Further support for getting properties connected
The County Council is continuing to work towards a county with 100% fibre coverage. Thanks to the work of the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire programme, superfast broadband is available to 98.6% of homes and businesses in Nottinghamshire.
For those properties which are not due to receive upgrades as per the commercial plans of infrastructure providers or via the work of the programme, there are other options to consider.
Broadband: Universal Service Obligation
From 20 March 2020, if your home or business can’t get a broadband service providing a download speed of 10Mbps and an upload speed of 1Mbps, you can request an upgraded connection. The service provider for Nottinghamshire is BT whom you can make the request to. You do not need to be an existing BT customer to apply.
If you believe you fit the criteria to request a decent broadband connection you are recommended to visit the BT website to check your eligibility. Alternatively, you can contact their dedicated helpdesk on 0800 783 0223.
Gigabit Vouchers
Find out more about the Nottinghamshire Gigabit Broadband Voucher.
To get in touch with the team to discuss this opportunity please contact enquiries.broadband@nottscc.gov.uk.
Openreach Fibre Community Partnership
Openreach are able to model solutions for fibre broadband to homes and businesses by building a customised solution to meet the needs of the community. Openreach will develop a modelled solution for the area which brings together funding from local authorities, government vouchers and their own contributions in line with their commercial model. Find out more about Openreach Fibre Community Partnership.