Condition of Nottinghamshire
We produced Condition of Nottinghamshire as an evidence base for the forthcoming Nottinghamshire Sustainable Community Strategy. Its structure follows the six themes within the Strategy and the information and statistics help set the context for them.
The publication presents information both in tables and graphically at various geographical levels and where possible at ward level. The number of indicators for which statistics are given has more than doubled from 48 in the previous edition to 97 this time.
The data presented has been sourced from our Research and Information Team, colleagues in other departments and partners, including Borough and District Councils, NHS Nottinghamshire, the East Midlands Public Health Observatory, Nottinghamshire Police, the Environment Agency, the Teenage Pregnancy Unit and Sport England. The assistance of all these organisations is gratefully acknowledged.
The publication can be viewed below, by section, in PDF format:
Contents and introduction [PDF]
Section A [PDF]
Section B tables [PDF]
Section B maps B1 to B6 [PDF]
Section B maps B7 to B12 [PDF]
Section B maps B13 to B19 [PDF]
Section C tables [PDF]
Section C maps C1 to C6 [PDF]
Section D tables [PDF]
Section D maps D1 to D6 [PDF]
Section D maps D7 to D12 [PDF]
Section E tables [PDF]
Section E maps E1 to E6 [PDF]
Section E maps E7 to E11 [PDF]
Section F tables [PDF]
Section F maps F1 to F8 [PDF]
Section G tables [PDF]
Section G maps G1 to G7 [PDF]
Section H [PDF]
Section I [PDF]
Map overlays [PDF]