Disability identification cards

A disability identification card allows you to alert other people that you have a disability and need some support. This could include using special facilities or being able to take advantage of special offers (for example free entry for a support worker).

How to get a card

A number of organisations can provide you with a disability identification card:

National support organisations

Many national disability support organsiations provide cards aimed at the people they support. Contact them directly to see what they offer and how to apply.

CredAbility Access Card

CredAbility is a national scheme that commits organisations involved to providing a quality service to people with a disability. The CredAbility Access Card is accepted as evidence by these organsiations that you need particular support to use their services or are eligible for their offers. The support or offers vary depending on the organsaition. See the CredAbility website for:

Disabled Person's Registration Card

Our Disabled Persons' Registration Card scheme is closed to new applications and applications for renewal.


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