Getting out and about
If you find it difficult to travel there are a range of options to help you. There are also a number of things for you to do during the day to help you stay active and independent.
Nottinghamshire Help Yourself - you can see what support is available to help you get out and about including travel support and community groups.
Watch our video to find out how Alton found a local group through the website.
Day services - give you the opportunity to stay independent and get involved in social activities, training and education.
Disability identification card - allows you to alert other people that you have a disability and need some support.
Getting there
Transport to services - transport can be arranged for you to travel to care services if you are eligible for care and support.
Blue Badge scheme - the Blue Badge Scheme will help you park closer to your destination if you are severely disabled. The badge holder can be the driver or a passenger.
Travel passes - if you have a disability there are a number of travel passes and cards that give you a discount off the usual purchase price of transport.