Pathway to provision
Attention referrers in Bassetlaw and Newark and Sherwood - Please use the new online service request form which we are testing over the next few months. This replaces the Early Help Assessment Form and the Children’s Centre Service referral form and can be used for families from pregnancy to age 18.
The Pathway to Provision [PDF] sets out guidance for practitioners in identifying a child, young person and/ or family's level of need, and referral pathways to the most appropriate service to provide support.
This version of the document includes the integrated children's disability service and pathway for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). The guidance covers referrals to the family service, step down guidance and the contact details for safeguarding and early help arrangements for the local authorities neighbouring Nottinghamshire. It also includes the arrangements of the family service and the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (Mash).
Useful documents
Special educational needs and disability (SEND) integrated commissioning
Download the SEND Commissioning Strategy 2017-19 [PDF] for more information.