Early Years and Family Hubs

The Early Years and Family Hubs service provides a range of targeted services for families with children aged 0-19 years who need extra support, with a particular focus on helping families from conception until their child reaches the age of 4. 

The service provides our statutory duties in relation to childcare (early years and wrap around provision), the Families Information Service and the SEND Local Offer. 

It also provides early help services in communities, offering universal and early help support for families until their child reaches the age of 19 through Family Hub Networks.

Childcare and Early Years

The Early Years service offers:

  • annual childcare sufficiency assessments to create more childcare places where they are needed. You can read the 2024 Childcare Assessment here: Nottinghamshire Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2024 [PDF]
  • promotion and assessment of free childcare schemes to help improve attainment levels and support parents into employment
  • help for families to find and access childcare and funding to pay for childcare
  • quality and improvement support for providers of childcare and early education including providing training and support packages. More information for early years childcare providers is available at: Free Early Years Place Providers | Nottinghamshire County Council
  • improving the attainment levels for our most disadvantaged and vulnerable children including those with special educational needs and disabilities.

What does the Families Information Service Offer? 

The Nottinghamshire Families Information Service (FIS) provides information about a range of topics, local services and local childcare provision. Find out more on the Nottinghamshire Help Yourself website or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

What does the Family Hubs service offer?

The Family Hubs service works to ensure young children get the best start in life and that their families are supported to help them achieve this. It provides a range of services for parents-to-be and families with children and young people up to 19 years of age who live in Nottinghamshire.

Some of these are at our purpose-built Family Hub buildings, but many take place in community venues, parks, or in family homes.

Our team is fully trained to deal with the individual needs a child might have and they work with many partners to ensure they can support families in whatever area they need.

To find out more about the service and how to get in touch, please visit: Family Hub Networks | Nottinghamshire County Council

Contact us

To get in touch with a member of our team from Early Years, Family Hubs or the Families Information Service, please contact us at the details below.

Early Years

Family Hubs

Families Information Service

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