Adults Social Worker
A Day In The Life Of...
An Adult Social Care Worker
I am Sue, and I am an Advanced Social Work Practitioner. I work in a Younger Adults project team in Nottinghamshire. I qualified in 2003 and have worked in Direct services (day services), Residential Care Services, as a Learning Disability Social Worker and as a Team Manager in the past. My current role involves all Younger Adult service users across Nottinghamshire, and line managing a small team of Community Care Assistants and Qualified Social Workers. I currently work 30 hours a week between Monday and Thursday.
My daily routine
I usually log onto our electronic system very early in the morning, about 7:30am. I triage my emails and mark those which need attention urgently. I often start my day from home or from a variety of bases across the County depending on what appointments I have. I have two official work bases and use many of the other bases across the county where touch down desks are available to facilitate flexible working.
What sorts of issues do I have to deal with?
Supervising staff, strategic planning, and identifying and mapping need for all younger adults requiring support based accommodation. Dealing with conflicts and complaints. Attending Accommodation Panels, maintaining accurate data and being answerable to a number of efficiency projects. I attend project management meetings, reviews of whole services, and advise staff who carry out assessments and review support plans. I am also a Practice Assessor Mentor and Practice Educator.
My Manager supports me through formal supervision and by being on hand for advice and guidance. I have a very positive relationship with him and higher managers within the organisation. My team also support me, and each other by sharing knowledge and being generally enthusiastic and caring about the work we do. We have very little administrative support.
What would you say to someone considering this type of social work?
The most satisfying aspect of my role is being involved in the strategic planning of the organisation, taking on the challenges of reduced resources whilst still achieving good outcomes, good practice and great staff. Having support to be autonomous and creative.
This career gives the opportunity to address inequalities, speak up for the most vulnerable people in our society. Also although shaped by politicians we retain our own professional identity and are able to challenge and shape outcomes for our service users and for our profession. I have developed as a person by helping other people to progress or change things in their lives.
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General Enquiries
For general Teaching Partnership enquiries, please email the Project Manager for the D2N2 Teaching Partnership, Catherine Williams
News & Events
Having an effective and vibrant partnership depends on everyone taking part – it’s about communication, about sharing, and about YOU! We’re really keen to get as many people as possible involved in our work, to share what they’ve learned, what they’re doing, and what they think
So, here’s your chance to tell us about:
- a new piece of research you’ve discovered
- a new project that you’re working on
- some new training that you’ve undertaken
- a conference you’ve heard about, or attended
- anything else that your social work colleagues, or students, might be interested in.
- Simply drop an email to, including “T.P.” in your email title.
If you have a query about any of our events, you can email:
Practice Education
We have eight Practice Educator Leads, who you can contact if you want to know more about practice education – they are based within each of our employer organisations, as detailed below:
Derby City Council (Childrens) (Adults) -
Derbyshire County Council -
Nottingham City Council -
Nottinghamshire County Council -
Framework Housing Assoc. -
NHS Healthcare Trust
We are always looking to improve our services and we would love to hear your thoughts and bright ideas to help us develop and deliver a better, more valuable experience.
Please send your thoughts to

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