Addiction is a condition where someone engages in the use of a substance, or in a behaviour, because the rewards provide an incentive to repeatedly pursue the behaviour, despite any detrimental consequences. Both substance use disorders and gambling behaviours have an increased likelihood of being accompanied by mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety or other pre-existing problems.
The first step to overcoming any addiction is for the person to recognise that they actually have an addiction. Once they accept that they have, there is scope for them to address it. But they are likely to need lots of support to help them succeed – so the organisations and links below may be useful for those with an addiction, and for those who might be supporting them.

Information, advice, support and useful contacts relating to alcohol consumption

Alcoholics Anonymous
Support for people with issues around alcohol.
0800 9177650

Support for family members affected by someone’s drinking.
0800 0086 811

Alcohol Change UK
Check your drinking and find further support

Advice on getting help if addicted to drugs

Narcotics Anonymous
Support for individuals with drug problems.
0300 999 1212 (10am to midnight)

Families Amonymous
Support for family members affected by someone’s drug taking.
0207 4984 680

Be Gamble Aware
Advice, Information and emotional support for anyone affected by gambling.
0808 8020 133 (24 hours, 7 days a week)
Get In Touch
General Enquiries
For general Teaching Partnership enquiries, please email the Project Manager for the D2N2 Teaching Partnership, Catherine Williams
News & Events
Having an effective and vibrant partnership depends on everyone taking part – it’s about communication, about sharing, and about YOU! We’re really keen to get as many people as possible involved in our work, to share what they’ve learned, what they’re doing, and what they think
So, here’s your chance to tell us about:
- a new piece of research you’ve discovered
- a new project that you’re working on
- some new training that you’ve undertaken
- a conference you’ve heard about, or attended
- anything else that your social work colleagues, or students, might be interested in.
- Simply drop an email to, including “T.P.” in your email title.
If you have a query about any of our events, you can email:
Practice Education
We have eight Practice Educator Leads, who you can contact if you want to know more about practice education – they are based within each of our employer organisations, as detailed below:
Derby City Council (Childrens) (Adults) -
Derbyshire County Council -
Nottingham City Council -
Nottinghamshire County Council -
Framework Housing Assoc. -
NHS Healthcare Trust
We are always looking to improve our services and we would love to hear your thoughts and bright ideas to help us develop and deliver a better, more valuable experience.
Please send your thoughts to

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