Safeguarding Refresher
Target audience
All Early Years Workforce.
About this course
You must have completed an introduction to safeguarding course either face to face or online before attending this training. This course is for practitioners. Designated safeguarding leads should attend DSL networks.
This refresher course will support the early years workforce to refresh the knowledge, understanding and skills they have to recognise and respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns, and to protect the children and young people they work with.
Date, time and venue
Date | Time | Venue |
23 June 2025 | 13.30 - 16.00 | Mansfield Woodhouse Family Hub |
Course tutor
Early Years Quality Improvement Advisers
Further course information
Course Aims
- To enable those who work with children and young people to develop awareness and understanding of safeguarding children and child protection.
- To be able to recognise and respond appropriately to safeguarding and relate these to their roles and responsibilities within their own organisation
Course Outcomes
- Name the categories of child abuse and neglect and recognise the signs and indicators of each.
- Recognise yours and others roles, responsibilities and accountability in safeguarding children
- Be more confident and familiar with ‘what’s new’ in safeguarding from a national and local context and be able to apply your knowledge from legislation, policies and procedures and the learning from serious case reviews in to your safeguarding practices.
You must use the Eventbrite link to book a course. You cannot contact the course admin to book.
Make sure you have your manager's approval before booking on a course.
If you have booked a place but find you cannot make it, remember to cancel your place so others can attend.
Please remember to bring your Eventbrite ticket on the day.
If you fail to attend a course you have booked on without cancelling your place via your Eventbrite account no refund will be given.
To view or change your booking in any way (such as cancelling your place) you must setup an Eventbrite account.
The email address you use to set up your account must be the same you used when originally booking the course.
Make sure your email address is correct or you will not receive any of the course information or notifications.
If you cannot go on a course and want a colleague to go in your place: if there are still places left then your colleague must book their own place and you must cancel yours. Call 0115 977 2510 to change the booking.
If you need more information please contact our business support team:
- Telephone: 0115 977 2510
- Email: