Professionals - report abuse or neglect

Not all concerns are best dealt with by making an adult safeguarding referral. Below are some alternative ways to report concerns that may be more appropriate:

  • If you are a Nottinghamshire care provider carrying out a regulated service/activity or a non-regulated activity such as day support service, you are required to notify Nottinghamshire County Council of any incidents that have occurred by completing a Non-Safeguarding Notification Form (NSNF). The NSNF guidance tool [WORD] is to assist your decision making about when to use the NSNF and when to raise a safeguarding concern instead. 

  • If you think that someone would benefit from support to improve their independence, please contact the Maximising Independence Service via our Customer Service Centre (CSC) or Tel: 0300 500 80 80.

  • If you think that someone could benefit from support, please make a referral to Adult Social Care via our Adult Social Care Hub or CSC or Tel: 0300 500 80 80.

  • If you want to complain about Nottinghamshire County Council Adult Social Care, please contact Comments, compliments and complaints 

  • If you want to complain about another service, please contact the Care Quality Commission.
  • If you believe that the person you are concerned about is in immediate danger, call emergency services on 999 or to report a crime, call 101.

Not all people are eligible for support under adult safeguarding arrangements. We can only provide support if we think that an adult living in Nottinghamshire meets all of the following criteria:

  • they are in need of care and support
  • they are experiencing (or are at risk of) abuse or neglect
  • as a result of their need for care and support, they are unable to protect themselves against the abuse or neglect (or the risk of).

If none of the above alternative ways to report apply and you remain concerned about an adult’s wellbeing, you should make an adult safeguarding referral. Please only refer if you think that the required criteria are likely to be met. We will ask you to explain why.

If you do not provide enough information, we may not be able to accept the referral. Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and we may ask you to remain involved after you have made the referral.

Please be aware that making an adult safeguarding referral will not reduce waiting times for other services.

Make an adult safeguarding referral


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