Early years and schools forum vacancies

The role

There are seven vacancies on the early years and schools forum which we are required to be filled in line with the Nottinghamshire constitution. Two maintained primary, two academy and three governor (sectors within governor vacancies are two academy and one special sector) representatives.

Nominations are sought to fill these vacancies as soon as possible. Self-nomination is allowed.


The commitment necessary from the successful candidates is likely to involve five meetings per year. Currently these are being held as two in person meetings and three virtually on Microsoft Teams. Meetings of the forum take place during normal working hours and generally last two hours.


To be eligible for election, the nominated person(s) must, at the date of the election, be executive heads, headteachers, in a Nottinghamshire maintained primary school. Executive head, head teacher, member of the schools senior leadership team, in a Nottinghamshire academy or a governor in a Nottinghamshire special school or academy.

Further information on the role

Further information on the role, remit and demands of forum membership can be found on the council's website:

The process

The election process will be managed by the Education Trust Governor Board. To ensure the process is undertaken as outlined in the early years and schools forum constitution.

A formal ballot will be held in the event of more nominations being received for the role within each sector. In the event of a ballot, nominees (and their details) will be published on the Nottinghamshire early years and schools forum website, along with ballot paper for return.

How to nominate

Nominations can be made by downloading and completing the nomination form [Word]

Complete forms are to be e-mailed to toni.gardner@nottscc.gov.uk who will ensure that all nominations are forwarded to the Vice Chair of the Education Trust Board.

The closing date for nominations is 5pm Friday 14 February 2025.

More information

If you require any further information or assistance on this matter, please contact Toni Gardner.

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