Advice for agencies or organisations supporting a parent or carer considering home education
If you are an agency or organisation supporting young people in elective home education (EHE) or their parents or carers, here you will find advice about off-rolling or any concerns you may have about a young person.
I’m supporting a parent or carer who is considering EHE
The team has developed this document to support schools and services in their conversations with parents or carers who may be considering elective home education.
Elective Home Education Best Practice Guide for Schools and Professionals January 2024[PDF]
It may also be useful to link parents and carers back to the parent or carer section of the EHE website for additional information.
Off-rolling is the practice of removing a pupil from the school roll without using a permanent exclusion, when the removal is primarily in the best interests of the school, rather than the best interests of the pupil.
This includes pressuring a parent to remove their child from the school roll. Further information about off-rolling can be found on the Fair access and children missing education page. If a parent feels that they are being pressured to remove their child from the school roll then they can get in touch with us for advice.
Concerns about an electively home educated young person
If you are worried about a young person who is home educated, you should follow the Nottinghamshire Pathway to Provision in deciding the appropriate route to take and if there are any additional services that need to be involved.
Concerns that a child is not receiving suitable education should be referred to our team. This does not replace the need to follow the Pathway to Provision and refer to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub if necessary.