Car sharing

Sometimes driving is the only option, perhaps due to distance, having to commute to work, or other commitments. Just because parents / carers have to drive, it doesn’t mean it can’t be done sustainably! Car sharing is where two or more people share a car and travel together and is a great way of cutting fuel costs, reducing congestion and pollution outside the school gates and sharing the task of the school run.

Implementing a car sharing scheme:

  1. The school sends a letter to parents [Word] asking whether they would be interested in taking part in a car sharing scheme. The letter should remind parents that they must have suitable car seats fitted for all children, and their car must have up-to-date MOT, tax and insurance.
  2. The responses should then be compiled, and those who are interested and come from the same area should be put in touch with one another.
  3. How parents operate the car sharing would then be up to them. They could alternate trips daily or weekly, or one may do the school run in the morning whilst the other picks up the children in the afternoon etc.

Top tip

Parents and guardians may be concerned about the impact of car sharing on their insurance, however the Association of British Insurers (ABI) states that car sharing will not affect insurance provided that the vehicle seats no more than eight and no profit is made from any payment by passengers.

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