Working with residents

Schools are an important part of the local community, however sometimes conflict can arise with local residents, particularly regarding parking. School travel planning can help reassure residents that the school is committed to minimising the disruption caused by school travel.

To work successfully with the local community, residents must be kept up to date with the Travel Plan progress:

  1. When first developing a Travel Plan, schools should write to neighbours to let them know that a Travel Plan is being produced. Click here for an example letter [Word].
  2. Once a school has decided upon which measures they wish to promote, schools should write to neighbours again to let them know what initiatives will be implemented. A transport policy [Word] could also be adopted at this point.
  3. Neighbours should be updated on progress of the Travel Plan. The results of the latest monitoring (e.g. hands up surveys and staff travel surveys) should be communicated to show progress towards modal shift targets.
  4. Local residents should also be made aware of any events which may lead to abnormal levels of traffic outside of usual hours – such as parents evenings or sports day.

Top Tip

One easy way of ensuring good communication is to create a closed Facebook group, that only residents living near the school can join.

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