Employment support for people with a learning disability

Our Employment Training Hub can offer support to adults with a learning disability, autism or Asperger’s who want to get ready for paid employment.


If you live in Nottinghamshire and have a learning disability, autism or Asperger's our i-work team can offer you support to get a job.

The i-work team can:

  • look at your skills, interests and qualifications
  • find jobs that you might like to do
  • explain what will happen with benefits if you get paid work
  • give you the opportunity to try out jobs to see if you like them
  • carry on giving you support when you find a job to help you stay there.

Contact the i-work team on 0300 500 80 80. You can contact us yourself or ask someone else to do it for you.

To read more about the i-work team, you can also download our booklet - Get support to find employment

Employment Support Videos

You can learn more about our employment support work in these videos.

Support for employment - i-work video (YouTube, 4 minutes)

Employment Support - i-work video (YouTube, 2 minutes)

Work Placements video - Nottinghamshire Local Offer (YouTube, 3.30 minutes)

In this video, you can also learn about jobs available through work placemen­­­­ts.

Employing someone with a learning disability

The i-work team also offer support to businesses who are considering employing someone with a learning disability.

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