East Midland Aggregates Working Party

The East Midlands Aggregates Working Party is one of a number of regional advisory groups - made up of mineral planning authorities and representatives of the mineral industry, who work together to produce comprehensive data on aggregate demand and supply in their area.

The role of the Aggregate Working Party is:

  • to consider, scrutinise and provide advice on the Local Aggregate Assessment of each mineral planning authority in its area;
  • to provide an assessment on the position of overall demand and supply for the Aggregate Working Party area, including whether, in its view, the area is making a full contribution towards meeting both national and local aggregate needs.
  • to obtain, collect and report on data on minerals activity in their area. This includes annual data on sales, permissions and mineral reserves in their area, and data on recycled and secondary sources.

We currently chair the East Midlands Aggregate Working Party. Minutes and copies of reports since 2021 can be found by going to East Midlands Aggregate Working Party (EMAWP).

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