Stapleford Mini-Holland

Nottinghamshire County Council has been successful in securing funding from the Department for Transport to investigate the feasibility of a ‘Mini-Holland’ scheme in Stapleford.

The Mini-Holland programme originated in London as Dutch-style cycle infrastructure. Since the terms inception, the infrastructure being delivered looks to go beyond just delivering for cycling.  Schemes look to help to improve the environment of local streets including new and improved facilities for those walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling. This could include the development of people-focussed places as well as improvements to our highway infrastructure, such as new crossing facilities within Stapleford.

The Mini-Holland feasibility study provides the opportunity to reimagine our streets within Stapleford.

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We ran a series of ‘drop-in’ sessions in December 2022 and received a large response to our survey. We are now looking at the feedback received to help inform the feasibility study, and there will be further updates on this page soon.

Frequently asked questions

The Government previously funded three Mini-Holland schemes in London which resulted in dramatic shifts to people walking and cycling – with walking increasing by 13% and cycling increasing by 18% in the first year after construction. The London schemes also found that congestion did not increase in the longer term because the changes allowed many people who had previously driven very short journeys to walk or cycle instead. (Source: Department for Transport)

Following the success of the London schemes, the Government is looking to implement Mini-Holland schemes elsewhere in the Country.

An expression of interest to deliver a Mini-Holland scheme in Stapleford, was submitted alongside the Active Travel Fund Tranche 3 bid.

The Department for Transport (DfT) shortlisted 12 authorities to receive feasibility funding. The DfT awarded Nottinghamshire County Council £79K to explore the potential Mini-Holland scheme in Stapleford.

This funding is for a feasibility study to identify potential transformational cycle and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure improvements within the town. As part of the feasibility study, we will work with the local community to identify the potential improvements which could be delivered within Stapleford.

We are in the early stages of assessing the feasibility of a Mini-Holland in Stapleford. The funding is for a feasibility study only, and is not for construction, or detailed design.

The feasibility study will look at baseline information, such as traffic flows, current walking and cycling infrastructure, and we will talk to people to see how they travel in the area. From this information we can bring together a report on how feasible it is to create a Mini-Holland scheme and what should be considered. This is the first stage, before any designs have been developed. This feasibility study aims to understand if a ‘Mini-Holland’ could be created in Stapleford and what should be considered as part of the scheme.

An engineering and design consultancy (AECOM) has been appointed to undertake the work required for the Mini-Holland feasibility study.


Public engagement events in late 2022 and early 2023 will be undertaken to help progress the project.  Please come back here end of November for dates and locations of these events.

A Mini-Holland scheme does not mean removing cars from the road. They are about prioritising walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling, whilst still maintaining access for all.

The current funding is for a feasibility study only, and we are in the very early stages. No works are currently designed or programmed to take place in Stapleford. The DfT will assess the 12 feasibility studies it receives from across the UK, but has made clear that it only has limited resources to take any schemes forward.

If the DfT wants to take the Stapleford Mini-Holland feasibility study onto the next stage, the County Council would inform all those involved in the feasibility.  The scheme would then be developed through the design process and further public and stakeholder consultation would be undertaken.

The Mini-Holland and Town Deal projects are separate projects.  While consideration will be given so that they maybe be complementary to each other, neither project relies on the other being delivered for its own delivery.

The feasibility work is currently being undertaken in Stapleford, through which we will be better placed to assess the potential for similar schemes elsewhere in the county in the future.


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