Integrated Ticketing Strategy and Delivery Plan

Multi-operator integrated ticketing is an important aspect of realising our vision for a better public transport offer. It makes using services more convenient, reliable and flexible for passengers, allowing them to use services from a range of operators and modes.

The Integrated Ticketing Strategy and Delivery Plan [PDF] was adopted by our Transport and Highways Committee in March 2015. 

The document is split into three key sections:

  • background
  • current Position of Ticketing in Nottinghamshire
  • scheme design, timeline, promotion and governance.

A consultation took place on this strategy and closed on 2 January 2015. The outcome of the consultation was reported to the Councils Transport and Highways Committee on 19 March 2015. 

Background Information

 Transport and Highways Committee reports

If you require any further information, please contact Nottinghamshire Transport and Travel Services.

TBH - Transport & Travel Services
Nottinghamshire County Council
County Hall
West Bridgford

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