Local Transport Plan

The Local Transport Plan (LTP) sets out Nottinghamshire's transport strategy and outlines a programme of measures to be delivered over the short, medium and long term. The strategy covers all types of transport including public transport, walking, cycling, cars and freight.

The current Local Transport Plan (known as the third Local Transport Plan) covers the whole of the county and will run from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2026.

The third Local Transport Plan is made up of two separate documents:

The plan was developed following extensive consultation with the public, County Council members and stakeholders. Summaries of the responses from the three rounds of consultation are available. The plan also takes into account the evidence base that was gathered for the county.

We have also undertaken a Strategic Environmental Assessment and a Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Local Transport Plan. This identified the impacts that the strategies may have on the environment and habitats and helped shape the strategy.

Local Transport Plan strategy   

The Local Transport Plan sets out how we aim to make transport improvements in Nottinghamshire during the period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2026. It will be reviewed at least every five years to make sure that it considers any changes in transport conditions and priorities; and to make sure that it is effective. You can download the complete Local Transport Plan strategy document [PDF]. Alternatively you can download it in individual chapters.

Implementation Plan:   

The Implementation Plan sets out how the County Council, working in partnership with others, will use the transport funding available to deliver Nottinghamshire’s long term transport strategy, the LTP.  The period that the Plan covers is aligned to the confirmed Department for Transport capital funding for highways and the Plan reflects the capital and revenue funding that is likely to be available for transport improvements, which is determined annually as part of the County Council’s budget setting process. 

The Implementation Plan is reviewed annually and updated following the Council's budget decisions, changes in County Council priorities and to help ensure value for money through assessing the effectiveness of the measures contained within it.

The measures contained in the Plan will be changed if budgets or priorities change, or it is determined that measures are ineffective or are not delivering value for money.


The results of the consultation (along with the evidence base that the County Council has prepared) were used to help develop Nottinghamshire's transport strategy.

At the beginning of 2010 we asked people in Nottinghamshire what they thought would be the local challenges to delivering the five national transport challenges.

You can view a summary of the consultation responses [PDF]. The results of this consultation helped us to identify our transport priorities and local transport objectives.

In June and July 2010 we asked people in Nottinghamshire whether specific options should be a high, medium or low priority when developing the strategy to address Nottinghamshire's local transport challenges.

You can view a summary of the consultation responses [PDF]. The results of the consultation helped us to develop our transport strategy and also the measures to deliver the strategy.

In early 2011 we published the draft Local Transport Plan for 2011-2026.

You can view a summary of the consultation responses and the actions we have taken [PDF]. The results of this consultation helped us define our final Local Transport Plan strategy.

The LTP Evidence Base   

A lot of information was gathered to help inform what we should include in our transport strategy. The 2010 LTP Evidence Base Report can be downloaded as a whole document [PDF]. The whole document is a very large file and therefore you can also download it as individual sections:

Demography and socioeconomics

Natural and historic assets


Strategic Environmental Assessment   

The County Council must produce a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Local Transport Plan (LTP).

The purpose of the SEA is to provide a high level view of the environmental consequences of the LTP in order that they are brought into consideration in the preparation and adoption of the LTP with a view to promoting sustainable development. The purpose of the SEA is therefore to inform decisions and the strategy included in the LTP.

A Strategic Environmental Assessment scoping report was carried out in summer 2010 and an Environmental Report (including a non-technical summary) [PDF] has been produced.

An Environmental Statement [PDF] has also been produced which details how environmental considerations have been taken into account and how the SEA will be monitored.

Habitats Regulations Assessment   

The European legislation and our government's regulations which relate to it requires us to carry out Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of the Local Transport Plan to protect the integrity of internationally important nature sites. These internationally important nature sites include Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) which have important habitat features, Special Protection Areas (SPAs) which relate to bird populations and Ramsar sites which are internationally important wetlands. These are often referred to as Natura 2000 sites.

HRA assesses the likely impacts of the possible effects of a plan's policies on the integrity of the Natura 2000 sites (including possible effects 'in combination' with other plans projects and programmes).

Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report [PDF] of the Nottinghamshire Local Transport Plan has been produced.

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