Deerdale Lane Junction

The improvement scheme at the A614 junction with Deerdale Lane was omitted from the Outline Business Case submission back in December 2020. This was largely down to the complexity of removing the hidden dip on the A614 close to the Deerdale Lane junction, as well as the costs of diverting underground utilities equipment.

The significant increase in costs and disadvantages associated with signalising the junction meant that there was also a risk that the A614/A6097 MRN project no longer demonstrated that it provided value for money to Central Government.

The Deerdale Lane junction improvement scheme was shown to produce a disbenefit worth £4.5 million over the 60-year economic appraisal period. By contrast, the Ollerton roundabout scheme is calculated to bring in £24.7m worth of economic benefits over the same period.

The County Council will now look at a low-cost alternative solution for this location.


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