- Highways reporting hub
- Grass cutting
- Request a dropped kerb
- Street lighting
- Trees and hedges
- Section 58 Notices
- Pothole frequently asked questions
- Surface dressing
- Highway policy and strategy documents
- Via
- Highways Capital Programme 2022/23-2024/25
- Enterprise Zone cycle network
- Improvements to roads in your area
- Highways explainer videos
- A614 A6097 Major Road Network Scheme
- Highways review panel
- Lady Bay Weed Trial 2023
- Roadworks
- Parking
- Public transport
- Road maintenance
- Gritting
- Active Travel
- Adopted roads
- Road safety
- Licences and permits
- Community and accessible transport
- Lorries
- Travel in Nottinghamshire
- Transforming Cities Fund
- D2N2 Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
- Electric vehicle charging in Nottinghamshire