Highway policy and strategy documents
These documents outline our current standards, specifications and policy statements.
Highway Network Management Plan
The Highway Network Management Plan (HNMP) sets out the framework for the management of the highway network and describes how Nottinghamshire County Council, acting as the Highway Authority, manages the network and the activities upon it.
Highway Network Management Plan updated March 2025 [PDF].
Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP)
This document sets out the asset management strategy and plan for Nottinghamshire, promoting best practice and the implementation of asset management principles in all highway maintenance activities. It is also a key requirement for securing future highway maintenance funding.
Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan updated 2024 [PDF].
Highway Inspection and Risk Manual
Outlines how we keep our highway network safe for users, through a planned risk-based Inspection regime. It contains guidance on inspection frequency, investigatory levels for defects and associated response times for actionable repairs through a system of risk assessment.
Highway Inspection and Risk Manual.
Highway Design Guide
Sets out the general principles and minimum standards for the layout and dimensions of roads and paved areas, in both residential and industrial developments.
Highway Infrastructure Maintenance Plan
The Highway Infrastructure Maintenance Plan outlines Nottinghamshire's approach to the adoption of risk-based principles in accordance with the national guidance contained in Well-Managed Highway Infrastructure - A Code of Practice. It acts as a reference between the Code of Practice itself and the County Council's existing highway documentation.