Try to keep food waste to a minimum by only buying and cooking what you need. More ideas for portion sizing and using up leftovers can be found on the Love Food Hate Waste website.
You can find out about Love Food Hate Waste in Nottinghamshire and view the Notts Sustainable Cookery Book on the Veolia website, who are our waste management contractor.
Some food waste such as potato peelings, fruit skins, tea bags and coffee grounds can be added to your home compost bin. For more details visit the Nottinghamshire Get Composting website to find out how you can purchase subsidised compost equipment, or the Recycle Now website.
Food waste can also be placed in your waste wheeled bin but please wrap it in a plastic bag before doing so to minimise any smells.
If you have a large amount of food waste to dispose of eg from a freezer fault or power cut, you can take it to any recycling centre in a bin liner. Please hand it to a member of staff and explain that it is waste food as the staff often open bin liners to further sort and recycle mixed waste.