How we deal with your waste

Through our statutory role as a Waste Disposal Authority, we control the recycling, reprocessing, treatment and disposal of all local authority collected waste in Nottinghamshire. This equates to approximately 400,000 tonnes a year and includes waste collected by the seven district and borough councils and waste collected at the Recycling Centres.

The majority of this waste is managed through a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Contract with Veolia as amended by Veolia's Revised Project Plan on 24 February 2015. A copy of the contract is available below.

The version of the Contract below, together with the Outline, Final and Variance Business Cases, have had specific information redacted (removed) where it is exempt from publication because it is commercially sensitive or contains personal information. The information redacted will be reviewed by the County Council over time.

Business cases

Contract documents

Contact us

If you wish to view our Environmental Policy or have any queries about recycling and rubbish, please contact us.

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