Publication Scheme

Our parking

Information about Parking Services

Additional information as required by the Transparency Code 2015

Nottinghamshire County Council's Penalty Charge Notice income for 2015/2016 was £1,138.000. Total expenditure on enforcement was £848,000 leaving an annual surplus of £290,000 which has been allocated to the traffic management budget specifically for the ongoing maintenance of traffic signs and road markings to ensure that the public are clear as to the nature and extent of the restrictions. Nottinghamshire County Council does not make any charges for on-street parking. The only off-street parking is New Street Car park in Retford which generates an approximate net annual income of £200,000.

The Council estimates that it has 13,825 controlled on-street spaces and 193 controlled off-street spaces (one car park). The Council is not able to reasonably estimate the number of free spaces on the remainder of the network as Nottinghamshire is a predominantly rural county with over 2,500 miles of adopted highway and the vast majority of this has no parking restrictions. Much of it may not be appropriate for parking but the Authority does not impose legal restrictions.

The number of parking places is unlikely to change greatly on an annual basis.

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