Publication Scheme
Our land and property
The Council owns more than 900 properties in Nottinghamshire.
Almost all properties are bought and sold on the open market - compulsory purchases are very rare. Our in-house team of property specialists are responsible for all aspects of property management, from purchase through to ongoing maintenance.
For a list of properties, visit Council property to let and for sale
County Council land and building assets
The following documentation contains details of land and building assets that are directly owned or leased by Nottinghamshire County Council. This is in accordance with Local government transparency code 2015 (GOV.UK) guidance.
This data has been published as of 20 March 2024 and is provided in various formats.
Property category is a guide only and does not account for mixed use sites.
Nottinghamshire County Council identifies its assets using a local Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN). Global UPRNs can be requested.
- County Council land and building assets [XLSX]
- County Council land and building assets [CSV]
- County Council land and building assets [PDF]
- County Council land and building assets [XML]
For queries or further information, contact the Freedom of Information (FOI) team at