Publication Scheme

What we spend and how we spend it

Expenditure exceeding £500

All spending over £500 is published one month in arrears, e.g. January's spending is published at the start of March and so on.

The reports include payments where the invoice amount is greater than or equal to £500. Where amounts appear which are less than £500, they have been included as they form part of a larger payment totaling over £500 in aggregate.

Reports available from:


Community and voluntary groups looking for financial support are able to apply to Nottinghamshire County Council for Grant Aid funding.

Details of grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations will be added to the website as required by the Transparency Code 2014.

Three year grants are available offering a minimum of £500 per annum in financial support. Awards are subject to annual review as part of the Council’s budget considerations.

Financial statements, budgets and variance reports

Financial information is published annually and, where practical, we will also provide half yearly or quarterly financial reports:

Capital programme

Information is available on major plans for capital expenditure including any private finance initiative and public-private partnership contracts:

Spending reviews

This section provides an overview of how public money has been spent and which projects have been completed:

Financial audit reports

This section contains information on current audit reports for the County Council:

Election reports

This includes details regarding returns or declarations and accompanying documents relating to election expenses sent to the Council.

Please contact the relevant District Council for further information.

Contact details are provided on the Council Elections web page:

District auditor's report

This section contains information relating to findings of District Auditors:

Financial statements for projects and events

This section includes financial details about major projects and events:

Further information in this section can be provided on request.

Internal financial regulations

The Council’s Financial Regulations provide the framework of financial control and standards for the proper administration of the Council’s affairs. The Financial Regulations form part of the Council’s Constitution:

Funding for partnership arrangements

Specific information is available on request of funding where the County Council is the lead partner or contributing partner.

As required by the Transparency Code 2014, the Council is working to publish this information on this website


As required by the Transparency Code 2014, the County Council will publish here details of counter fraud work.

County Council support for the National Fraud Initiative

Staff pay, staff and member's allowances and expenses

Pay policy statement

Under the Localism Act 2011 all Councils in England and Wales are required to publish details of their policies which determine how pay is set, in particular executive pay. Nottinghamshire County Council's Pay Policy Statement provides details about the pay of our Chief Executive and senior officers and how it relates to the pay of other County Council employees.

The County Council pay multiple is published within the Pay Policy Statement.

Pay and grading structure

Details of the Council’s grading policy are included in the Pay Policy Statement Appendices:

Salary scales are included in the Pay Policy Statement Appendices.

The members' allowances scheme and the allowances paid under it to councillors each year

This section provides the total of the allowances and expenses paid to councillors by reference to categories.

Staff allowances and expenses

Details of the allowances and expenses that can be claimed by County Council employees are available in this section.

The Council’s Travel and Accommodation Policy forms part of the Council’s Constitution and is available on the website: 

The Council’s Standards Committee receives regular reports regarding the operation of the Travel and Accommodation Policy and the amount of money spent. You can search for reports on the website:

Details of the allowances and expenses that can be claimed by County Council employees are included in the Pay Policy Statement Appendices:


Procurement procedures

This includes details of procedures for acquiring goods and services and contracts available for public tender:

Procurement card transactions

Procurement Cards are used by many frontline services to support the work they do for residents.

In demonstrating our commitment to be open and transparent, we publish details of all Procurement Card spend, regardless of value.

Details of contracts currently being tendered

This is the Council’s electronic contract noticeboard:

List of contracts awarded and their value

The Source Nottinghamshire website provides details of larger contracts that have been awarded:

Details of County Council Waste Contracts will be published here as required by the Transparency Code 2014. 

Waste Contracts

Nottinghamshire County Council through its statutory role as Waste Disposal Authority controls the recycling, reprocessing, treatment and disposal of all local authority collected waste in Nottinghamshire. This equates to approximately 390,000 tonnes a year and includes waste collected by the seven district and borough councils and waste collected at the Recycling Centres:

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