Policy Library
Council policies, procedures, guidance and strategies are designed to ensure high standards are maintained at all times.
As part of our commitment to be open and transparent, all of our policies and strategies are being made available through a policy library. The library will bring together the definitive versions of all of these documents into a single point of reference. The policy library is currently populated with our approved policies and strategies. Further documents are being added on a daily basis.
You can search this library to find the policies, procedures, guidance and strategies that govern the area of work you are interested in:
- Policy: a set of principles that the County Council will follow in providing services, developing services and taking decisions about services and other matters. New or revised policies may include key actions and a plan for implementation.
- Strategy: a document setting out an high level approach to deliver one or more key policy commitments.
- Procedure: the approach that will be followed by the County Council in accordance with policy.
- Guidance: day to day operational direction, compliant with policy and procedures.
Title | Type | Summary |
A Strategy for Improving Educational Opportunities for All | Strategy | This Strategy has a particular focus on the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, particularly those children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability, children and young people who are looked after as well as care leavers. It aims to, amongst other aspects, improve outcomes in Early Years Foundation Stage, speech and language, phonics and reading to ensure the best possible start in life for all Nottinghamshire children and young people. |
Access to Deceased Persons Records Procedure | Procedure | This document sets out Nottinghamshire County Council’s approach to fulfilling its obligations in respect of the right of access, where it exists, to the records of deceased individuals. |
Accessible Communication Policy | Policy | The aim of the Accessible Communication Policy is to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss get information that they can access and understand, and any communication support that they need. This is to ensure that they are not put at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with persons who are not disabled, when accessing NHS or adult social services. |
Adult Social Care - Intimate Personal Relationships Policy | Policy | To set out the County Council’s policy in relation to intimate relationships involving vulnerable adults, including marriage and civil partnerships. |
Adult Social Care and Public Health Departmental Strategy 2019-2021 | Strategy | The overarching purpose of Adult Social Care and Public Health is to promote and improve the health, wellbeing and independence of people in Nottinghamshire. We provide and commission advice, support and services which improve health and wellbeing, and prevent ill-health and loss of independence. Alongside the strategy is its respective 'Plan on a Page', which summarises our commitments, the benefits, what we promise to do, and how we will improve. |
Adult Social Care Complaints Procedure | Procedure | The Adult Social Care complaints procedure will consider a complaint from you or your representative if you receive or have received support or services or; are affected by, or likely to be affected by, the action, omission or decision of the County Council in respect of its social care functions in accordance with the Care Act 2014. |
Adult Social Care Local Account | Strategy | The Local Account is the new Adult Social Care Strategy for 2024. The Local Account outlines our vision for adult social care in Nottinghamshire: we aim to ensure that every person in Nottinghamshire can reside comfortably in their own home, surrounded by loved ones and meaningful connections. This vision draws inspiration from Social Care Future. The Local Account, which has been developed in collaboration with the Our Voice co-production group and staff, highlights positive initiatives in Nottinghamshire’s adult social care. It features contributions and stories from individuals who draw on care and support, reflecting their experiences. Additionally, the Local Account outlines our adult social care priorities for 2024. |
Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2023-2025 | Strategy | Nottinghamshire’s Market Position Statement provides commissioning partners and existing and potential providers an understanding of the social care market in Nottinghamshire. |
Advertising and Sponsorship Policy | Policy | The Council has a policy on advertising and sponsorship, which sets out a corporate approach and standards. It also makes clear what type of advertising and sponsorship may not be acceptable to the Council. |
All-Age Autism Strategy 2022-2025 | Strategy | The Integrated Care System (ICS) strategy is based upon the National Strategy for autistic children, young people and adults 2021-2026: The national strategy for autistic children, young people and adults: 2021 to 2026 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) which built on Think Autism, the proceeding adult strategy published in April 2014. This Strategy replaces existing draft (Nottinghamshire County Council) and published strategies developed locally from both Nottingham City Council (2018-2022) and Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group. |
Anti Money Laundering Policy and Procedures | Policy | The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Terrorism Act 2000 and the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 place obligations on the Council and its employees to establish internal procedures to prevent the use of their services for money laundering. |
Archives Access Policy | Policy | Nottinghamshire Archives actively seeks to acquire and preserve appropriate archives for Nottinghamshire and the City of Nottingham and to make this resource accessible for public use. |
Archives Acquisition Policy | Policy | The aim of the Acquisition policy is to acquire: • the official archives of Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council and their predecessor authorities; • archives of other local authorities and their predecessors; • archives defined by the terms of the Public Records Act, 1958 • manorial and tithe documents • archives of the Diocese of Southwell including diocesan, archdeaconry (from 1884), deanery and parish records; • archives of the Dean and Chapter of Southwell; • other archives including those of businesses, industrial and commercial organisations, churches of all denominations, organisations and institutions, charities, families and individuals, landed estates, societies, trade unions and political parties; • archives of regional bodies which have their headquarters within the County or City except where provision has already been made with another repository in the same geographical |
Archives Cataloguing Standards Policy | Policy | All cataloguing at Nottinghamshire Archives is undertaken to the highest professional standard. It is recognised that a repository is assessed by the quality of its catalogues and their ease of use both in hard copy and as electronic records. Every attempt is made to ensure that catalogue entries are consistent and intelligible to the public. |
Archives Media Use Policy | Policy | Policy for the use of archives by the media. |
Archives Preservation and Conservation Policy | Policy | Nottinghamshire Archives aims to preserve and conserve archives relating to the geographical county of Nottinghamshire, in all media and regardless of date. |
Archives Volunteer Policy | Policy | Volunteers are recruited by Nottinghamshire Archives for specific tasks which staff do not have the capacity to deliver and where the use of volunteers provides added value to the Archives. |
Arts and Sports Development Strategy | Strategy | The Arts and Sports development strategy provides a Statement of Purpose for the service offers: “We will inspire our communities and offer a wide range of opportunities to engage with the arts and sports and actively participate in the creative and sporting life of the County.” |
Audio, Visual and Photographic Recordings Procedure | Procedure | To detail the appropriate use of audio, visual and photographic recordings by Council staff to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018, other relevant legislation and associated Council policies, guidance and standards. |
Brand Policy | Policy | This policy outlines the key principles of Nottinghamshire County Council’s brand, including how our brand is used and governed. It replaces the Council’s original Corporate Identity Policy (dated January 2012). |
Business Intelligence Strategy 2018 | Strategy | The Council has identified information and intelligence as vital assets to be developed and managed to support the Council to achieve its commitments. Through the Business Intelligence Strategy the Council will develop the technology and approaches that it will use for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of information and the data that it is derived from. |
Calculating contributions towards a personal budget | Policy | To set out the Council’s position in respect of the way the Council determines what a service user can afford to contribute towards the costs of their care and support needs. |
Capacity to Consent and Regional Mental Health Conveyance Policy | Policy | EMAS regional policy, aimed at support multi-agency partnership working. |
Carbon Management Plan | Strategy | Nottinghamshire’s carbon management plan sets out the actions that the County Council can adopt in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60% from its own buildings and operations by the year 2050. |
Chief Executive's Departmental Strategy 2019-2021 | Strategy | The Chief Executive’s Department brings together the Council’s business services. These relate to how we: work, collaborate, generate income, spend money, make evidence based decisions, look after information, communicate with our residents, ensure the work we do is legal and in keeping with the democratic process, how we recruit people and develop skills and how we measure and learn from our success, all of which are fundamental to the day to day working of the Council. Alongside the strategy is its respective 'Plan on a Page', which summarises our commitments, the benefits, what we promise to do, and how we will improve. |
Children and Young People's Departmental Strategy 2019-2021 | Strategy | This Children and Young People’s Strategy outlines the priorities and programmes of activity that will be pursued. The Department fulfils a number of statutory duties placed on the authority to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people, as well as discharging the local authority’s education functions. Alongside the strategy is its respective 'Plan on a Page', which summarises our commitments, the benefits, what we promise to do, and how we will improve. |
Children and Young People's Short Break Policy | Policy | To outline the Short Break Offer available from Nottinghamshire County Council across Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) for children and young people (0-18 years). |
Closing the Educational Gaps | Strategy | This strategy outlines Nottinghamshire County Council’s promises, priorities and expected outcomes in relation to closing educational gaps for vulnerable children and young people. |
Commercial Strategy 2018 | Strategy | The strategy is a high level framework for the commercial approach of the Council across a wide number of activities. |
Communications & Marketing Strategy 2014 - 2016 | Strategy | The Communications and Marketing Strategy, which sets out our priorities and ambition for the next two years, is primarily designed to maximise residents’ satisfaction with the Council. |
Communications and Marketing Strategy 2012 - 2014 | Strategy | The overall aim is to: “Develop consistently excellent, innovative and effective communications and marketing, to improve satisfaction with services and the quality of life of people in Nottinghamshire and the reputation of the Council.” |
Communities Strategy - Draft | Strategy | This framework sets out how the Communities team will support the Council’s ambition to put local people at the heart of everything it does, and to enable the growth of vibrant and supportive communities. |
Community Asset Transfer Policy | Policy | The purpose of this policy is to provide a transparent framework for responding to any requests for asset transfer including a set of criteria against which applications can be considered. |
Constitution | Policy | The Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose. |
Corporate Complaints Procedure | Procedure | Our corporate procedure covers complaints by members of the public (or someone representing them) about: • the standard of service we provide and those we commission from partners or other service providers who will be acting on our behalf • the behaviour of our staff • any action or lack of action by the Council affecting an individual or group |
Corporate Environmental Policy | Policy | Nottinghamshire County Council recognises the impact its operations and decisions have on the environment and how its position as a service provider, major employer, community leader and partner can have positive environmental outcomes. This policy outlines the Council’s commitment to protecting and enhancing the environment for today and for future generations. |
Corporate Identity Policy | Policy | This policy was supserseded by the Brand policy in May 2015. |
Corporate Property Strategy 2018-2023 | Strategy | This Corporate Property Strategy (2018-2023) provides a framework to support the development and management of the Council’s land and property assets to achieve our ambition of delivering collaborative property solutions which achieve corporate objectives. |
Councillors' Divisional Fund Policy and Guidance 2022 | Policy | The Councillor’s Divisional Fund (CDF) is a specific budget to enable each Member to, subject to compliance with the requirements of the scheme put forward proposals for expenditure in their electoral divisions which accord with the strategic objectives of the Council. |
Counter Fraud & Counter Corruption Policy & Strategy | Strategy | The Counter Fraud and Counter Corruption Strategy provides guidance to managers and staff on actions to take if suspicions are identified and the necessary responses. |
COVID-19 Crisis Economic Recovery Action Plan 2020 to 2022 | Policy | The COVID-19 Crisis Economic Recovery Action Plan sets out how the Council and the county can recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. |
Covid-19 Recovery Framework 2021-22 | Strategy | This framework considers the ongoing impact and management of the COVID-19 pandemic on the county of Nottinghamshire and Nottinghamshire County Council, through 2021/22. |
Cultural Strategy for Nottinghamshire | Strategy | The Cultural Strategy sets out a clear, coherent and comprehensive overview of why Nottinghamshire County Council provides and supports, both directly and indirectly, a range of cultural services for the people of Nottinghamshire and the many visitors who are attracted to the County. |
Data Security Incident & Breach Management Procedure | Procedure | This document specifies the procedure for the management and reporting of incidents and data breaches by the Council. |
Data Subject Rights Procedure | Procedure | Sets out our approach to fulfilling its obligations in respect of data subject rights, in accordance with data protection legislation |
Day Care Portal Guidance | Guidance | A guide using the Day Care Portal |
Delivering Health and Social Care Tasks Policy | Policy | This policy describes the responsibilities of community nursing services and domiciliary services in delivering health and social care tasks in an individual’s own home. |
Delivery, or Commissioning, of Learning for Children and Young People through Education Other Than At School 2024-2028 | Policy | This policy sets out when and how the Local Authority will ensure that Nottinghamshire Children and Young People have access to learning when mainstream education is not available or appropriate and no arrangements for a suitable education have yet, or can be, put in place by a school. This policy considers the duties set out in Section 19 of the Education Act 1996; Section 61 of the children and Families Act 2014 and Section 100 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 |
Departmental Strategies 2019-2021 | Strategy | Departmental Strategies and their respective 'Plan's on a page', for Adult Social Care and Health, Children and Young People, Place and Chief Executive's. |
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Policy | Policy | To set the policy for the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards for Nottinghamshire County Council, as the supervisory body and all managing authorities within Nottinghamshire. |
Digital Development Plan 2013-2017 | Strategy | This plan ultimately supports the delivery of the Strategic Plan and complements many of the existing strategies. Customers remain at the heart of all of these strategies with delivery supported by the two approaches of One Council and Digital First. |
Direct Payments Policy | Policy | To set out the Council’s position in respect of: the way that Direct Payments are provided to service users with eligible needs; and the way that Direct Payments are administered, monitored and reviewed. |
Disability Related Expenditure Guidance | Guidance | This guidance provides information on what can be classed as a Disability Related Expenditure allowance when charging people for care. Allowances vary depending on the support a person needs to manage a long-term illness or disability and will vary from person to person. There may be other costs not listed that can be allowable. |
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for Councillors and Co-Opted Members | Policy | In light of the fact that Council and its relevant Committees and Boards discharge both education and social services functions, this Policy requires all Councillors to undergo enhanced level DBS checks. Co-opted members will be required to undergo enhanced level DBS checks if they are members of a Committee or Board which discharges any education or social services function of the County Council. |
Duty of Candour Policy | Policy | To set out a framework for operational managers and team members under the Duty of Candour to meet the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 |
Early Years Plan 2014 - 2015 | Strategy | The Early Years Plan contributes to the Council's priority for 'Closing the Gap' and has been developed to help us to achieve our ambition to ensure that all young children and their families, including those with SEND, are able to reach their potential by having the best start in life through the provision of high quality, integrated early childhood services to prepare them for school. |
Economic Development Strategy 2014-18 | Strategy | The Economic Development Strategy details how the Council will use its own resources and role to facilitate and drive economic growth. |
Elective Home Education Policy | Policy | The aim of this policy is to ensure clear procedures are in place to enable the local authority to work in partnership with parents who choose to electively home educate their children and to discharge its statutory duties in relation to electively home educated children and young people. |
Employment and Health Strategy 2020-30 | Strategy | Nottinghamshire County Council has a unique role within employment and health - as a system leader, one of the largest employers in the county, and a significant commissioner and provider of services. We will leverage these roles to influence change to ensure we have the aspiration for every young person that they have the potential to lead a productive life, to enable more people to get into work where this is their goal and develop our workplaces to be settings that facilitate good health and wellbeing. |
Energy Strategy for County Offices 2019-2022 | Strategy | The aim of this document is to set out a strategic approach to achieve year on year energy consumption savings for the County Offices portfolio (14 key sites) up until 2021/22, which will help the Council to manage costs, protect against rising prices and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. |
Enforcement Policy - National Trading Standards | Policy | This policy explains the Enforcement Policy for the National Trading Standards, East Midlands Regional Investigation Team (EMRIT) hosted by Nottinghamshire County Council on behalf of National Trading Standards (NTS). |
Enforcement Policy Trading Standards | Policy | This policy sets out what business and others being regulated can expect from us and explains the Enforcement Policy of the Nottinghamshire County Council Trading Standards and Community Safety Service. |
Equality | Policy | Nottinghamshire County Council is committed to fostering high aspirations, independence and personal responsibility. It will ensure that its services are good quality and affordable and will involve citizens in all aspects of services through consultation, listening and then acting on what they say about services. |
Financial Support for Students 2018/2019 | Policy | The Financial support for Students in Post-16 Education and Exceptional payments for School, Clothing and Footwear Policy 2018/2019. |
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations Requests Procedure | Procedure | Sets out Nottinghamshire County Council’s approach to fulfilling its obligations in respect of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests, which gives the public a right of access to official information held by public authorities. |
Green Estate Development Strategy and Plan 2013 - 2023 | Strategy | The strategy sets out aims and objectives, and provides a framework within which a first rate service to improve and protect green-spaces for the benefit of local communities and biodiversity can be delivered. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report | Guidance | Our carbon dioxide emissions for the financial year 2015-16 arising from the use of energy in our buildings (excluding schools) and street lighting, as declared in our annual report under the Government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRCEES), amount to 30,619 tonnes of carbon dioxide. |
Guidance for prisons on the provision of equipment to deaf/hard of hearing or visually impaired people | Guidance | The following information aims to assist Prison staff to understand ways in which equipment can support Deaf / hard of hearing or visually impaired people with problems they may be experiencing. |
Guidance for the Management of Medicines in Social Care Establishments | Guidance | To ensure medicines are managed appropriately in social care settings according to current legislation and guidance. |
Gypsy Roma and Traveller Community Policy | Policy | The County Council recognises the importance, value and contributions of the diversity of people who live, work and visit Nottinghamshire. It acknowledges that to achieve strong and vibrant communities people need to feel confident, safe and engaged with decision making. |
Health and Safety Policy and Statement Poster | Policy | The County Council has in place a Health and Safety Strategic Management Framework and supporting Health and Safety Policy Statement, advice and guidance to ensure that risks are effectively prioritised and managed on a corporate and day to day basis and that there is clear accountability and responsibility for this across the whole organisation. |
Highway Network Management Plan | Policy | This summary document contains all County Council Policy statements relating to the maintenance of the highway network and is extracted from Section 5 of the full Highway Network Management Plan. |
Housing with Support Strategy for Adults (18-64 Years) | Strategy | The strategy sets out how the Council optimises the commissioned services that make up its supported accommodation offer for working age adults in Nottinghamshire who have care and support needs, which includes people with long-term illnesses, people with learning disabilities, people with Autism/Asperger’s, people with physical and sensory disabilities and people with mental ill-health. |
ICT STRATEGY 2014-17 | Strategy | The ICT strategy will support the business transformation priorities of the County Council as services are remodelled and sized to meet local needs within an increasingly restrained financial environment. |
ICT Strategy 2017-20 | Strategy | This ICT strategy is shaped to support the next phase of business transformation with an emphasis on delivering increasingly joined up public services that are effective, affordable and designed around the needs of service users. |
Information Compliance Policy | Policy | This policy sets out the approach that Nottinghamshire County Council will follow with regard to information compliance. |
Information Governance Framework | Policy | The Council has a robust information governance framework, to ensure that information, particularly personal and sensitive information, is effectively managed with accountability structures, governance processes, documented policies and procedures, staff training and appropriate resources. |
Information Rights Policy | Policy | This policy sets out the statement of intent that Nottinghamshire County Council and its staff will follow with regard to the public’s information rights. For general public access this is often referred to by the name of the legislation, i.e. Freedom of Information and Environmental Information, and for personal information the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). |
Information Security Classification and Protective Marking Standard | Procedure | To set out the standard by which the Council classifies information assets (in any format) to ensure that it is appropriately secured and protected. |
Information Security Policy | Policy | The objective of information security is to achieve and maintain a condition where all information is available at all times to all those who need it, cannot be corrupted or disclosed to unauthorised persons and its origin is authenticated. |
Information Sharing Agreement (ISA) Procedure | Procedure | This document sets out Nottinghamshire County Council's procedure for conducting and agreeing ISAs. It forms part of the suite of documents that comprise the Council's Information Governance Framework and is a requirement of the Information Compliance Policy. |
Information, Advice and Advocacy Strategy | Strategy | The strategy covers Adult Social Care Public information, advice and advocacy directly available to individuals, as well as specific support services that help people to access information. |
INTEGRATED PASSENGER TRANSPORT STRATEGY (IPTS) | Strategy | The IPTS encompasses all forms of passenger transport (air, bus, coach, rail, taxi and tram) and sets out how the County Council will work with operators, stakeholders and the public to deliver a passenger transport system. |
Joint Carers Strategy 2023-28 | Strategy | This strategy sets out how Nottinghamshire County Council and NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups will work together with carers and partner services to deliver high quality support to carers in Nottinghamshire. |
Libraries Strategy | Strategy | This strategy for Nottinghamshire’s libraries outlines our promises as a public library authority, the priorities we will focus on, and the outcomes we aim to deliver for Nottinghamshire and its people. |
Local Enforcement Plan | Guidance | The Local Enforcement Plan sets out what enforcement and site monitoring service that businesses and the public can expect from Nottinghamshire County Council as Local Planning Authority. |
Local Improvement Scheme Integrated Funding Strategy | Strategy | The Local Improvement Scheme Integrated Funding Strategy will consolidate the Council’s approach to investing in and supporting local communities to be more resilient through encouraging active community support, volunteering and seeking wider funding opportunities. |
Localism Policy | Policy | In Nottinghamshire, the County Council wants local people to be able to make more decisions about the area where they live, for communities to be more involved in the way that services are shaped and delivered and for communities to be proud of their local area. This is confirmed in the Localism Policy. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy and Capital Strategy 2010/11 to 2013/14 | Strategy | This strategy sets out the long term view of the Council's financial spending priorities and their implications for the period 2010/11 to 2013/14. |
Mental Health Act: Local Cross Boarder Agreement between Nottinghamshire County and Nottingham City Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) Service | Guidance | To support both Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to triage referrals for Mental Health Act assessments. |
Mobility Strategy | Strategy | The Strategy focuses on groups who are less able to make use of the main commercial bus network in the county. It also looks at new ways of working with suppliers of alternative modes of transport to ensure that everyone has access to services across the community. |
National Data Opt-Out Procedure | Procedure | The National Data Opt-Out allows individuals to opt out of their personal information being used or disclosed for indirect care (research and planning etc). |
Nearest Relative – Mental Health Act 1983 (2007) | Policy | Role and function of the Nearest Relative under the Mental Health Act 1983 (2007) including protocol for delegation, displacement and appointment. |
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Multi Agency Agreement | Guidance | THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT SECTION 140 Guidance for admissions in cases of special urgency |
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Procedure for Raising a Concern and Referring | Procedure | This document sets out the joint Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adult Boards’ procedure for all organisations to follow when they have a concern that an adult at risk is at risk of abuse and/or neglect in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. |
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults at Risk Guidance | Guidance | This guidance is aimed at supporting you to undertake your role as described in the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults procedures for raising a concern and referring procedures. |
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Core Strategy | Strategy | The Waste Core Strategy will set out our overall approach to future waste management in Nottinghamshire and Nottingham. Key issues will include estimates of how much waste capacity needs to be provided to meet expected demand over the next 20 years, what types of sites are suitable and where in broad terms new or extended waste management sites should be located. Once the Core Strategy is in place, it will be accompanied by a set of development management policies and a site specific document. All of these documents will be prepared jointly by the County Council and Nottingham City Council. Each document must go through a series of informal and formal public consultation stages and finally an independent examination before it can be adopted by the County and City Councils. Once adopted, these documents will replace the relevant parts of the Waste Local Plan. This document should be used in conjunction with the Nottinghamshire Waste Local Plan Adopted January 2002 which is still current (see related documents). |
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Local Plan Adopted January 2002 | Policy | The Waste Local Plan for Nottinghamshire was adopted in January 2002 and forms part of the overall development framework for Nottinghamshire along with the Structure Plan, Minerals Local Plan, District Local Plans and Nottingham City's Local Plan. The Waste Local Plan was jointly produced by Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council and covers the whole of Nottinghamshire. It sets out the broad land use framework for future waste management in Nottinghamshire and covers all forms of waste including household, commercial, industrial and construction wastes. The Policies in this document have been saved in the main part and are current until a new Waste Core Strategy is approved. This document should be used in conjunction with the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Core Strategy (see related documents). |
Nottinghamshire Best Start Strategy 2021-2025 | Strategy | This Strategy sets out how the Council and its partners will work together to ensure that children have the best start in life, with a particular emphasis on the first 1,001 days, from conception to the age of 2. |
Nottinghamshire Children Missing Education Strategy | Strategy | This strategy is designed to enable the County Council to fulfil its statutory duties in relation to education provision and the safeguarding and welfare of vulnerable children. It is intended to guide the work of local authority officers, schools and other agencies in the procedures and practices to be followed in order to track, monitor and maintain contact with children and young people at risk of or already missing education. |
Nottinghamshire Day Opportunities Strategy 2022-2027 | Strategy | Connecting people in communities to live the lives they want to lead. |
Nottinghamshire Highway Design Guide | Guidance | This document’s aim is to provide transport consultants, architects, town planners, urban designers, and developers with straight-forward highway design technical guidance and specifications for street works |
Nottinghamshire Integrated SEND Commissioning Strategy 2021-2023 | Strategy | This Strategy sets out the joint commissioning arrangements between organisations in improving and transforming our education, health and care services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. |
Nottinghamshire Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 | Strategy | The Local Transport Plan (LTP) sets out Nottinghamshire’s transport strategy and outlines a programme of measures to be delivered over the short, medium and long term. The strategy covers all types of transport including public transport, walking, cycling, cars and freight. |
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan | Policy | The new Minerals Local Plan will set out our overall approach to future minerals provision in Nottinghamshire up to 2030. Key issues will include the amount of mineral we will need to produce to meet demand, the location of future sites and the social and environmental impacts of mineral working. It should be used in conjunction with the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Adopted 2005 (see related documents) which is still current. The plan will need to go through a series of informal and formal public consultation stages and finally an independent examination before it can be adopted by the County Council. |
Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Adopted 2005 | Policy | The Minerals Local Plan was adopted in December 2005 and extends to 2014. It is the blueprint for quarrying in Nottinghamshire and aims to strike a balance between meeting society's needs for minerals and the need to protect our local environment. It should be used in conjunction with the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan which is also current (see related documents). |
Nottinghamshire Older Persons Housing with Care Strategy 2018 - 2025 | Strategy | The Council’s aspiration is for older adults to remain living in their own homes and avoid any unnecessary moves wherever possible. The Council can help people to access a wide range of services to enable people to remain independent in their own homes, whilst having their care and support needs met. Where support is required, the purpose of the support will be to restore, maintain or enhance people’s independence, helping them to live as settled and fulfilled a life as possible. |
Nottinghamshire Partnership Strategy for Looked After Children and Care Leavers 2022-25 | Strategy | The Strategy is a statement of intent of the Nottinghamshire Looked After Children and Care Leavers Strategic Partnership which includes Nottinghamshire County Council and the seven Nottinghamshire district and borough councils who have statutory corporate parenting responsibilities, and other partner agencies, to work together to deliver the best outcomes possible for children who come into care and when they leave care, when they leave care and up until their 25th birthday. |
Nottinghamshire Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2007 - 2012 | Strategy | The Improvement Plan, published in accordance with the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000, iassesses Nottinghamshire's current path network and its ability to cope with future needs. It sets out series of actions designed to improve the path network for residents and visitors. |
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults at Risk Guidance Following a Referral | Guidance | This guidance is aimed at supporting you to undertake your role as described in the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults procedures following a referral. |
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults at Risk Referral Pathways | Guidance | The referral pathways described within this guidance document apply to all concerns raised and referrals arising within the boundaries of Nottinghamshire County Council, and relate to all agencies within the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Board and Safeguarding Partnership. |
Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Procedures Following a Referral | Procedure | This document sets out the Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adult Boards procedure for all organisations to follow when a concern is raised that result in Care Act Section 42 enquiries being required. |
Nottinghamshire Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy: 2020 - 2023 | Policy | Nottinghamshire Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy (0-25 years) for the period 2020 - 2023. |
Nottinghamshire Youth Justice Strategy 2015-18 | Strategy | An annual Youth Justice plan is a statutory requirement under the Crime and Disorder Act (1998). |
Nottinghamshire Youth Justice Strategy 2020-23 | Strategy | The key aims of this Strategy are to reduce the number of young people entering the criminal justice system, reduce the frequency and rate of re-offending by children and young people who are already within the youth justice system and keep the numbers of young people experiencing custody – either on remand or as a sentence of the court – to a minimum. |
Nottinghamshire's Knife Crime Strategy 2018 | Strategy | This is an external strategy created in partnership with the Council, which concerns itself primarily with tackling knife crime. However, the benefits of its comprehensive approach will help to more broadly protect Nottinghamshire's citizens and promote positive lifestyles. |
Nottinghamshire's Sustainable Community Strategy | Strategy | This document, the second community strategy for Nottinghamshire, outlines the key priorities for the county over the period from 2010 to 2020. |
Nottinghamshire’s Children, Young People and Families Plan 2014 - 2016 | Strategy | The plan describes how Nottinghamshire County Council will fulfil its statutory responsibility, as the lead partner in the Children’s Trust, to make arrangements to promote co-operation to improve children’s well-being. |
Nottinghamshire’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Strategic Action Plan: 2021 - 2023 | Guidance | This action plan outlines why each of the key areas identified in the Nottinghamshire SEND Policy are a priority for the Local Area and activities that the partnership will take over the next couple of years to achieve them. |
Occupational Therapy Service Policy | Policy | To ensure that occupational therapy services are provided consistently across Nottinghamshire. |
Pay Policy Statement | Policy | The purpose of a Pay Policy Statement is to increase accountability in relation to payments made to senior employees in the public sector, in particular those in local authorities, by enabling public scrutiny. |
Performance & Quality Management Framework 2024-2027 | Strategy | Designed to outline how we will understand how well the Council is performing and how we will nurture continuous improvement across the organisation. |
Persons in a Position of Trust (PiPoT) | Guidance | The purpose of this guidance is to: 1) Advise employers/volunteer organisations and student bodies of their responsibilities as set out in the Care Act 2014, to assess potential risks posed by a person in a position of trust to those who use their services, and, if necessary, to take action to prevent abuse or neglect. 2) Provide guidance by which concerns about a person in a position of trust can be appropriately shared with an employer/volunteer organisation or student body to prevent abuse or neglect. |
Place Departmental Strategy 2019-2021 | Strategy | The Place Department brings together a range of services in order to meet the needs and aspirations of the people of Nottinghamshire. Alongside the strategy is its respective 'Plan on a Page', which summarises our commitments, the benefits, what we promise to do, and how we will improve. |
Planning for younger people 2016-17 | Policy | Planning for younger people 2016-17 |
Planning Obligations Strategy 2018 | Strategy | This document is the third edition of Nottinghamshire County Council‟s Planning Obligations Strategy and replaces the April 2014 document. As with previous editions, it details the scope and range of contributions towards infrastructure which Nottinghamshire County Council may seek when consulted on planning applications in order to make development acceptable in planning terms, including how these contributions will be calculated. In 2019 the Planning Obligations Strategy was updated to include revised information on the cost of creating new school places. This was a technical update and was done under delegated powers obtained for carrying out such updates when the Strategy was approved by the Council. |
Policy Statement for Schools | Policy | To ensure that every school in Nottinghamshire is a good school. |
Post 16 Transport Policy Statement - 2021/22 Academic Year | Policy | Local authorities do not have to provide free or subsidised post 16 travel support but do have a duty to prepare and publish an annual transport policy statement specifying the arrangements for the provision of transport or other support that the authority considers it necessary to make to facilitate the attendance of all persons of sixth form age receiving education or training. |
Preventing Tax Evasion Policy | Policy | This document, alongside a range of policies, procedures and guidance that underpin the Council's financial activities, makes clear how the Council aims to conduct its financial affairs in a law abiding manner and that it does not tolerate either the commissioning or facilitation of tax evasion. |
Procurement Strategy 2015 - 2018 | Strategy | The aim of our strategy is to ensure procurement activities are undertaken efficiently and economically whilst contributing to the realisation of the economic, social and environmental benefits for the County, aligning with the strategic aims and objectives of the Council’s Strategic plan and with other corporate and service strategies, plans and procedures to drive a “One Council” approach - THIS STRATEGY HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY THE PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2019-2023. |
Procurement Strategy 2019 - 2023 | Strategy | The Procurement Strategy 2019-23 sets out the framework for the procurement of all goods, works and services and outlines how procurement will use the Council’s spending power to pursue our key objectives. The Strategy builds on the work already undertaken in the first strategy that was implemented in 2015, which focused on strategic procurement development, integration between Procurement and Commissioning and implementation of category management. |
Prosecution Policy Trading Standards | Policy | This policy is intended to provide guidance for officers, businesses and consumers. We recognise that most businesses and/or individuals wish to comply with the law. However there are occasions when action including prosecution will be taken against those who fail to comply with the law. We have the discretion whether or not to put alleged offences before the criminal or civil courts. This policy explains what factors we take into consideration before we institute any legal proceedings. |
Protection of Property and Pets, and Funeral Arrangements Policy | Policy | To outline the Council’s responsibility for the protection of property, including pets, and for funeral arrangements. |
Providing Planned Short Break Services for Adults and their Carers Policy | Policy | Short break services are an essential part of the overall support provided to unpaid carers and to people with care needs, to help to sustain the caring situation at home and to prevent crises. Nottinghamshire County Council will be providing planned short breaks in line with Care Act 2014 and the Care and Support (eligibility) Regulations 2014. |
Public engagement policy | Policy | The County Council recognises that local people should be involved in decisions about public services and policies that affect their lives. We aim to: keep people well-informed about our services and policies listen and respond to people’s views and concerns through consultation engage people in decisions about changes to our services and policies improve our accessibility and accountability to local people, and build trust |
Pupil Place Planning and School Capital Policy | Policy | This Policy is a key document enabling the Local Authority to meet its statutory duty to provide sufficient places for the children and young people of Nottinghamshire. It provides a context for all to understand the pressures and considerations when addressing demand for the expansion of existing provision or the creation of new provision across the County. |
Records Retention and Disposal Schedule | Guidance | To ensure the Council complies with legislation concerning records management and data protection and to provide guidance to NCC personnel and others concerning the retention of records held by the Council. |
Reducing Avoidable Injuries in Children and Young People Strategy 2014 - 2020 | Strategy | Strategy to: · Raise the profile of avoidable injuries and highlight the possibilities for avoidable injury reduction in 0-17 year olds in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. · Improve coordination of the work of individual agencies to optimise current resources and establish a joint working approach to reducing the number of avoidable injuries. · Increase stakeholder interest and involvement in reducing avoidable injuries in CYP. |
Registration Services Engagement Strategy | Strategy | The essence of this engagement strategy is to outline how team members engage with others, seek feedback and suggestions and how these are used to inform frontline service delivery. |
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and Surveillance Policy | Policy | The purpose of this Policy is to set out the scope of the legislation relating to covert surveillance, the circumstances where it applies, the authorisation procedures that must be followed, and the considerations that must be taken into account. |
Residents' Parking Schemes | Policy | A policy for the introduction, modification and removal of residents’ parking schemes. |
Risk Management Policy | Policy | This policy document summarises the approach to delivery of the County Council’s Corporate Risk Management Strategy. |
Risk Management Strategy | Strategy | Our risk management vision is to ensure a strong, self-confident and proud County Council, that maximises its opportunities and minimises exposure to undue risks. |
Safety at Sports Grounds Enforcement Policy | Policy | It is the policy of Nottinghamshire County Council to ensure compliance with all relevant safety at sports grounds legislation. In undertaking this duty it is the Council’s aim to ensure that any enforcement action taken is proportionate, open, consistent and clear. |
Safety at Sports Grounds Policy | Policy | This document provides an overview of policy, procedures and terms of reference for the management of safety at sports grounds within the County and clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the officers, organisations and agencies involved. |
School Capital Strategy for 2011/12 to 2013/14 | Strategy | School capital strategy for the years 2011/12 to 2013/14 and a major refurbishment programme designed to improve the quality of school buildings across the County. |
School Place Planning and Capital Strategy June 2014 | Strategy | Provides the context for planning school places, underpinned by relevant data; describe the process by which demand for places is forecast on a school-by-school basis; includes key principles that will govern decisions on planning additional school places and sets out the schools that are being considered for expansion in September 2015. |
Sky Lanterns | Policy | This policy sets out the County Council’s ban on the use and sale of sky lanterns (also known as Chinese lanterns) on County Council land or property. |
Smarter Working - Hybrid Working Strategy | Strategy | The strategy outlines the Council’s vision, hybrid working principles, scope, and model. The Council’s hybrid working model focusses on three key elements, People, Buildings and Technology, working together underpinned by a strong, positive organisational culture that empowers employees and encourages managers to exercise discretion in determining how work is organised and delivered to improve outcomes for local people. |
Smokefree Policy | Policy | The purpose of the Smokefree Policy is to protect employees, elected members, and people who visit Council premises from the effects of smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. |
Social Media Policy | Policy | The Social Media Policy is designed to cover Nottinghamshire County Council’s use of social media where the content, information, or services are being provided by, or on behalf of, the Council. |
START - Assistance with medication policy for Short Term Assessment & Re-ablement Team support workers operating in a person’s home. | Policy | To detail the principles that must be followed by re-ablement support workers in relation to medication. |
Statement of Accounts Policies 2018/19 | Policy | The Statement of Accounts summarises the Authority’s transactions for the 2018/19 financial year and its position at the year-end of 31 March 2019. |
Statement of Community Involvement | Policy | The SCI is a public document which sets out the County Council's policy and approach to public consultation and involvement in the minerals and waste plans it prepares and the planning applications it determines. |
Strategic Management Framework | Policy | The Strategic Management Framework set out the Council's integrated and intelligence based approach to service planning, service commissioning and performance management. This was superseded by the Planning and Performance Management Framework on 21 June 2017. |
Strategic Plan 2014 - 2018 | Strategy | The strategic plan puts in sharp focus how the County Council will deliver the vision of the Administration to make Nottinghamshire 'a better place to live work and visit'. |
Subject Access Request procedure | Procedure | Subject Access Requests can also be called Access to Records Requests. A subject access request (SAR) is simply a request made by, or on behalf of, an individual for the personal information which the Council holds about them. A request is made under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The request does not have to be in any particular form. Nor does it have to include the words 'subject access' or make any reference to the GDPR. Subject access requests can be made verbally or in writing. If a request is made verbally, we recommend that this is followed up in writing to provide a clear trail of correspondence. |
Supporting our Armed Forces Community Strategy and Action Plan | Strategy | This strategy sets clear goals and the intent for the collaborative delivery of services that draws upon the wealth of experience of the public sector, armed forces charitable sector, businesses and other organisations in Nottinghamshire. |
Surveillance Camera (CCTV) Procedure | Procedure | This procedure is to be followed when planning for or overtly using surveillance camera(s), including closed circuit television (CCTV), dashcams, body worn cameras, unmanned aerial systems (drones) etc. |
The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2022 - 2026 | Strategy | This strategy sets out the priorities for the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board and how it plans to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents and reduce health inequalities amongst our communities. |
The Nottinghamshire Plan 2021-31 | Strategy | The Nottinghamshire Plan sets out our commitments over the next four years that show how we will play our part in working towards the healthy, prosperous and greener future that all our communities deserve. |
Travel and Accommodation Policy | Policy | Covers the approval and booking arrangements for travel and accommodation required in connection with the Council’s business. |
Treasury Management Strategy 2012-13 | Strategy | This is a strategy for treasury management, which is defined by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) as: “the management of the organisation’s investments and cash flows, its banking, money market and capital market transactions; the effective control of the risks associated with those activities; and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.” |
Under 16 Home to School Transport Policy - 2021/22 Academic Year | Policy | This policy sets out Nottinghamshire County Council’s provision of school transport services and travel assistance for school aged under 16 pupils living in the county of Nottinghamshire, for the academic year 21/22. |
Universal Deferred Payment Scheme | Policy | To provide a full explanation of how the scheme will be operated in Nottinghamshire, including eligibility and discretionary areas. |
Use of Drones by NCC Procedure | Procedure | The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that any drone operation undertaken by the County Council (NCC) is carried out safely and in accordance with regulatory requirements. |
Whistleblowing Policy | Policy | Whistleblowing means the reporting by employees of suspected misconduct, illegal acts or failure to act within the Council. Contact details updated July 2018. |